Monday, October 6, 2008

Revisiting Joan's armor...

I've spent a few hours playing with procedurals, trying to dial in this armor. I'm getting close to where I want it now. Adding an image to the background definitely helped the effect. Now if only I could figure out how to keep it from rendering in the background...

Comments welcome of course.


Michael Panov said...

keep it from rendering in the background? You mean how you can keep the image OUT of the background but still keep it from affecting the specularity of your armor? If thats what you mean, you have to turn off the primary visibility of your background image, and keep your secondary visibility on. This will make sure your renderer ignores it when rendering to the frame, but still considers it in reflections/refractions/spec contributions etc...

Christian Van Meurs said...

Hmm. Well I found an option in Modo under Environment that says "Visible to Camera", which I turned off and the background image drops away. Problem is, it leaves a black void in its place, completely ignoring any background color or gradient I choose. Is there another way? I guess the black void isn't the end of the world.